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17 Dec 2024 14:18:52
I'm really sad on so many levels to read that Mudryk is facing doping allegations.
Not directly Arsenal related of course but I still wonder what could have been if he hadn't ended up at Chelsea.
To have your career (possibly) derailed at 23 is life changing.
If the 2nd test proves positive as well you have to wonder what caused him to take the risk. Perhaps the bad press he has received since he joined Chelsea? Or the awful situation in his home country?
Whatever it is I don't think he has achieved anywhere near his potential.

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17 Dec 2024 14:42:16
treatment of him at chelsea has been shocking young player needed nurturing rather than throwing in deep end, the regular changes in management uncertainity of game play and all that money what to do with it. Hate to say it but not our problem should have chosen wisely rather than chase the money.

17 Dec 2024 15:22:05
Spiked by the Chelsea tea lady so they can cancel his contract.

17 Dec 2024 15:41:29
The lad might not have done it intentionally, better to refrain from any judgments.

I'm glad we didn't sign him, based on form, but I do wonder if he would have done better with zinny and a consistent coach that would give him a hug.

17 Dec 2024 16:49:47
I felt that too SirW.
I felt the kid was between a rock and a hard place when we reached our offer limit.
But if he 's innocent (and I really hope he is) I'd have him here.

17 Dec 2024 17:15:41
I agree SW, sometimes footballers make poor choices for the wrong reasons and this can sometimes be the difference between becoming a world superstar and a might have been.

The lad is very religious both in name and practice from what little I read about him when we were chasing his signature and while I'm not at all religious myself I would guess for those who are very passionate about the religion they follow and its rule's like Saka and others it would be much less likely and much more difficult for them to do something that went against what they have been taught to think, do and not do. I think presuming his innocence until it's proven otherwise is probably the best option in Mudryks case.

17 Dec 2024 19:20:18
I think it's quite remarkable that more footballers aren't caught doping. Compared to other sports where people are caught often, the small amount of people caught in football has always seemed off to me.

{Ed025's Note - the only thing i can that they were obviously not performance enhancing drugs..

17 Dec 2024 19:34:34
Young players with soo much to gain, so many traps and bad people out their to turn their head. You can’t imagine the pressure and attention they get and wages gets them. Then they play for their country, miss a penalty and they get murdered on social media.

Hope he’s ok.

17 Dec 2024 20:03:36
Excellent Ed025 mate ????.

{Ed025's Note - it was stolen im afraid mate..

17 Dec 2024 21:08:39
Stolen is such a harsh word Ed025, I much prefer improved by better delivery mate ?

It's always worth remembering, you can fool some of the people some of the time, and they are definitely the ones you should concentrate your efforts on ???.

{Ed025's Note - i will try to improve mate.. :)



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