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22 Aug 2014 09:25:48
Hi Ed, what's the situation of Stephan El Shaarawy? I think he'd suit our style. He'd bring some spark to our left wing if he can stay injury-free this season.


{Ed002's Note - Very unlikely he will move this summer, although Arsenal have previously shown interest.}

1.) Okay thanks Ed, I'm really struggling to see who we could sign but luckily we'll find out soon.



04 Jan 2014 09:49:27
ed what's the situation with matthias ginter? I expected him to move last summer and we were definitely interested. are we still interested?


{Ed002's Note - Freiburg will look to hold on to Matthias Ginter until the summer when Borussia Dortmund or Bayern Munich will likely push for the defender.}



31 Jul 2013 14:53:02
ed do you know of any interest in mccarthy or ginter? heard some rumours today. {Ed027's Note - {Ed027's Note - i hear we're looking at Mathias Ginter guys, young Cb from Freiburg, been in talks for a while, Mccarthy is not a target as such, maybe an alternative in the future, if targets fail, we've looked at him}




20 Jul 2013 12:58:15
i must say when I first heard about these suarez rumours I thought no way but now cautiously optimistic. honestly he'd be a perfect fit and I used to think we should sign him but in a million years we won't. now it seems more likely though.

pretty confident 40m would do the trick. liverpool seem to demand more but they're not going to get much more. and the other option for them is to keep him. and keeping a player with suarez's mentality against his own will is, well, a frightening thought!

some are concerned about this "baggage" he has. i'm not. the most concerning part is his ban, but if he signs a 4-5 year contract that ban is really meaningless. imo his reputation doesn't work completely against him. now every defender knows he's not just a fantastic dribbler, a goal scorer and a provider, but he bites too! he makes defender's feel uneasy I can see him starting as a striker, but also as a "winger" (winger like walcott, poldi, ramsey or santi meaning he'll play more centrally than wide) alongside giroud.


1.) To be honest I'm feeling this one aswell just hope it don't go right to the wire and we drop out again last minute

2.) Still think Arsenal will end up with Higuain. This Suarez business is just some sort of mind games with Real Madrid. Selling Higuan to Arsenal will fund Real Madrid's move for Suarez but Arsenal won't pay over the odds for Higuain.

3.) Not really a rumour, but I like this post

4.) I think Wenger and the fans would be equally happy with either. No mind games, Higuain at one price, Suarez (or Rooney) at another. Any of these will do the job!

5.) Suarez interest is very real indeed. Wenger will not pay the asking price for higuain when he can get suarez for a couple million more, anmd who is a much better player in my opinion.

6.) Higuain has had second thoughts about moving to Arsenal. Personally, I don't want Suarez at the gunners. He is obnoxious and a cheat. Don't forget the whole transfer might cost us £70 million

7.) Im not concerned about his baggage either. he's a great player and it outweighs the what-ifs.

Honestly, I prefer Higuain. But i'm happy with either. Both awesome players and will be crucial in the seasons to come.


8.) 20 Jul 2013 18:27:25
I would be happy with higuain at £23m however I would not like to see us pay much more for him seeing as he is second choice behind benzima at madrid and they play one up top usually so he is a great second choice striker for them. However I would prefer to have arguably the best striker in the premier league at the moment for an extra £17m, if we got him with the service our midfield can provide he will have a field day for us.

9.) Since when will liverpool become a feeder club to the biggest feeder club in the league? suarez will move to madrid or stay at lfc. there's an outside chance of bayern or psg. not arsenel!



30 Mar 2013 10:50:18
since the transfer talk is heating up, here's my take.

i think we need five players. cb, rb, gk, dm and st. I really like the jovetic rumours, he'd provide a different option to giroud. what is more important he's proven quality with good age and relatively large experience.

asmir begovic would be brilliant for us. I like szczesny a lot and these two would provide good competition for each other.

we need at least one cb anyway because djourou will probably leave. i'd like someone young like 23 or something because verm, kos and mert are all something like 27/28. we don't need necessarily an immediate starter because kos-mert is a really solid pairing and vermaelen is great as well if he sorts out his form.

painful to say this, but sagna is in decline. it's the right time to sell him. jenkinson is ready to become our primary starter but we need cover. I can't decide, should we buy a new one or take a gamble with bellerin? he's awesome. and of course there's yennaris as well.

finally, a dm is a must. wanyama? capoue? gonalons? I haven't seen enough of them to decide but wanyama has attracted a lot of hype and he's young as well so.

i think ramsey has been great lately. next season I think he's ready to bench arteta. I can see a midfield of *a new dm*, ramsey and wilshere bossing games with santi roaming as a winger and popping up everywhere. with jovetic and walcott up front we'd have loads of pace and technique.

the bench would also be superb. imagine ox, podolski and giroud all warming up, that would scare the hell out of oppositions. coquelin and arteta could freeze the game and protect our lead. szczesny and vermaelen would complete the defensive security if a defender picks an injury.


1.) Very good post this, in a ideal dream world I would love hummels as a new cb {Ed029's Note - I have been told by Ed2 that Hummels is off to Barcelona if he moves.}

2.) Oh reall! I didn't see us getting him just wishful thinking. Thanks for the info tho

3.) I'd be very surprised if we signed jovetic but i'd be very happy if we did class player, a pretty solid post but I disagree with playing santi on the wings he's miles better when he's allowed to roam through the middle.

4.) I think we will sign:

5.) First of all I think its clear sagna is off. There have been strong solid rumours that Arsenal have an agreement with Socheux to bring Sebastian Corchia for 5m in the summer.

I think its clear as day that along Corchia, Jovetic will join very early in the summer ( it sounds excactly like podolski last year and some high profile people have been saying that jovetic is ours)

Secondly I think we will get a cheapish 4th centre back. Some unknown african or maybe Amorebieta on free.

We will most certainly get a goalkeeper. Think wenger will buy a premier made goalkeeper. Simon Mignolet, Julio Cesar both make sense. Especially if Sunderland and QPR will get relegated. If not one of those two then I think he will get Begovic.

We will get a Defensive midfielder.
We will get one of Wanyama/capoue/Gonalons.

Finally we will get a second midfielder. Diaby will be injured, rosiscky is off and arshavin is off. I have been tipped that arsenal have been in negoations with Marseille for some time regarding Francis Coquelin. Arsenal want Matheu valbuena from Marseille and I am told that is 7/10

6.) 01 Apr 2013 07:32:14
Does not one else rate fraser forster, I think he's a good young keeper that wouldn't necessarily break the bank, I think wenger would look at him before an established Pl keeper that might cost him too much?

7.) We need an older experienced keeper as we have potential at the club

8.) We need a good CB ours aren't up to it!

9.) Actually Ed I think any transfers to barcelona will depend on them selling some players.

Also I have a feeling they won't be able to stump up over 20 million for Hummels, unless they win the champions league or reach the finals.

This summer is looking to be the war of the strikers. {Ed029's Note - They are looking to sell players like Sanchez and Villa.}




Iceman's banter posts with other poster's replies to Iceman's banter posts


02 Jul 2024 21:53:09
Mesut Özil is finally strong enough for the premier league. Google it.


{Ed014's Note - built like a brick 5h1thouse!

1.) 03 Jul 2024 12:32:36
Saw that! Chap is ripped! Apparently, the raver is his personal trainer.

{Ed014's Note - let’s face it, it wasn’t going to be Tielemens was it! ??

2.) 04 Jul 2024 08:50:54
?? Why you trying to upset sussex?

{Ed014's Note - who me? Never ?



22 May 2024 19:07:15
During the transfer season one of my favorite things to do is check on teams that are in a transitional period or in an otherwise confusing state, to hypothesize whether there could possibly be talented players available for bargain prices.

For a couple years now Chelsea has featured in these searches and i have to say, Conor Gallagher intrigues me. Apparently he will be sold as he has only one year left in his contract. He, Rice and Odegaard would form a pretty good midfield in my opinion.


{Ed014's Note - you said talented and then mentioned Conor Gallagher, I’m a little confused Iceman. ?

1.) 22 May 2024 20:20:02
Perhaps my algorithm needs tweaking Ed. Though i also searched on United and that yielded no results so it can't be too far off.

But on a more serious note, while i don't think Gallagher is a 9/ 10 player he'd still fit stylistically and even improve our midfield, potentially for a good price. He also has good workrate and presumably leadership skills given he's been captaining Chelsea as well.

As an internal solution Smith Rowe would be fine by me as well but Arteta seems to want a bit more defensive set up overall. Though we don't know how Arteta plans to evolve the squad for next season.

{Ed014's Note - I’m just not that convinced with Gallagher Iceman, he’s not a defensive mid and that’s really our priority.

I don’t really want to see Rice as our DM as he has too much to offer away from that role.

I wouldn’t say no to Mainoo from United, he looks the type of player Arteta could bring on and he’s just wasting a promising career staying at United.

2.) 22 May 2024 20:59:00
Ed i think Rice should be our dm. The reason why i think so is our left hand side has been pretty anonymous when he has played there. Though maybe Timber as lb would fix that?

I want Rice as dm and two 8's a bit further forward, with possibly a fullback (Timber? ) inverting to form a box midfield. Gallagher could fit in there. But i get it even i wouldn't call him exciting. 'Sensible' feels like a more appropriate word. I want to spend the big bucks on a forward.

Mainoo is great but i don't include him because everyone else knows it as well so he wouldn't come cheap.

{Ed014's Note - I think Arteta wants Rice to be more box to box which was why he was happy that Partey returned to the side.

Unexciting is probably a good description of Gallagher and I think we’ll buy much better and still buy a quality striker.

Agree on Mainoo, plus he has a couple of years left on his contract with an option for another 12 months.

Timber looks quality and I’d be happy to see him fill the LB role.

We have Tierney, Lokonga, Tavares, Nketiah, Nelson and maybe Marquinhos to generate some additional money.

3.) 22 May 2024 21:35:00
It seems that way with Rice. I'd just prefer a player who can release Martinelli quickly into space and Rice hasn't been able (or instructed) to do that. But maybe there are ways to solve that while Rice stays as a cm. Who would you like as dm Ed?

{Ed014's Note - I don’t really know re a DM, the links to Zubimendi seem to be the strongest but I’ve never seen him play.

Ugarte was highly regarded before his move to PSG but not sure he did that well this season.

Not convinced by Douglas Luiz and maybe Paulinho is a little to old.

4.) 22 May 2024 21:45:54
We've been linked with Bruno Guimaraes and De Jong, while I don't think either of those are very likely. Hopefully that's the type of calibre we are going for to replace Party, Gallagher is decent, good leadership and may become great, but at the minute I don't think he would improve us and would arguably be a step down. I'm hoping we don't skimp on that position and get the best possible player available.

5.) 23 May 2024 06:22:39
Ed002 says Zubimendi wants Barca. From the players he listed i guess Guimaraes would be the best but i feel like he's (Guimaraes, not Ed) a bit of a hothead so i have some reservations. Mats Wieffer from Feyenoord is apparently quite Rodri-like so maybe he would be a good fit but apparently there are no links. I wonder if Slot wants to take him to Liverpool.



10 May 2024 18:32:38
My Arsenal players of the season:
1. Saka. Has been my pick for a few years now and still makes it despite some fierce competition. The most complete and consistent player we have in my opinion. The fact he's almost always doubled yet consistently manages to turn those situations in his favour genuinely amazes me.

2. Gabriel. Our defensive leader at the back. And the defense has been pretty good. It was very tough to choose between him and Saliba to be fair. Saliba has more responsibility on the ball but we have relied more on long balls this season especially in big games so that just edges it in Gabriel's favour.

3-5. Saliba, Odegaard, Rice. In no particular order.


1.) 10 May 2024 23:26:21
Mental how you pick anyone but Odegaard. He has been immense. Saka has been hot and cold for me. Good output still but influence hasn't been as good.



14 Apr 2024 18:51:56
We looked fatigued but Villa also played well and deserve full credit for their win (they also had less time to prepare after playing in Europe on thursday) . I may feel differently tomorrow but right now i'm thinking forget about Toney and get Watkins instead ?.




03 Apr 2024 17:06:38
I'm expecting a tough game. Luton haven't got great results but to me it seems they always trouble their opponents even if they end up losing. We ourselves are coming from a huge title showdown and i don't think we'll be performing anywhere near our best level. Thankfully we have a home game. April is crazily packed so we need to keep getting results with very little preparation time, hopefully we can manage. It's the same for the other contenders of course.


1.) 03 Apr 2024 17:35:00
Defo Ice mate
Just been speaking to a mate and he is looking at 4nil plus but I think it will be a lot tighter but still 3 pts for us.

2.) 03 Apr 2024 18:19:18
Hi Ice, I actually think the players will be well pumped up for tonight's game after more than holding their own away from home against English/ European/ World Champions who they have previously struggled to compete with as equals. In my opinion the players belief in their own ability to win this seasons title will have gone up several notches after Sunday and they will be extremely aware of how bad they would feel if they allowed all their hard work go to waste now by not being 100% up for the Luton game and the other 8 games that follow it.

3.) 03 Apr 2024 18:55:17
I'm predicting 3 points as well but not expecting it to be easy. And i expect the players to turn up and give it all they've got. But the thing is, i suspect the best we can do today will be a lot worse compared to what we can normally do. Maybe it doesn't make sense but that's the feeling i've got. City away has to have been the most anticipated game of our season especially after what happened last season. It must have been draining especially mentally. So how much have we got left in the tank for Luton physically and mentally?

It's crazy but right now i feel that if we can get the win today we can win all of the remaining games as well.

4.) 03 Apr 2024 19:27:55
I understand your logic and thinking Ice I just happen to think the very opposite will happen mate. Its amazing how the legs and mind just don't feel the strain when your riding the biggest wave of your life. I liken it to be 21 years old on an 18 to 30s holiday, somehow you can easily get away with 3 or 4 hours sleep a night for a fortnight when your having the time of your life when back home anything less than 8 to 9 hours a night and your out on your feet most the day.

5.) 03 Apr 2024 19:52:47
Fuge. I've just seen the line up, huge gamble in my opinion, hope it pays off ????.

6.) 03 Apr 2024 20:27:42
I get that point as well. But guessing from your name i have a bit more recent memory about being 21 and i can assure you that even if you feel limitless you still do have them :)

But so far so good. Odegaard certainly hasn't lost any of his drive and determination.

7.) 03 Apr 2024 22:22:46
Loving the image 47 of you with short spiky hair singlet vest bermudas on a bar crawl with a straw donkey for company pushing on through with eight shots of Portuguese Fire-water Medronho made from the hallucinogenic berries in Mon Chiche! I expect Sharpie and Mal were there too! Good win never in doubt rested legs particularly Rice who played twice for England, Jesus Martinelli and Saka . Right who’s with me to the Bar A Nau or Never for some Medronho shots COYG ? ??.

8.) 03 Apr 2024 22:29:27
Not forgetting Ed25 all glasses permed hair dropping his shoulder in his maroon budgies celebrating Everton’s survival in the Prem! Happy Days COYG.

{Ed025's Note - i did used to have a perm in the 70,s SUSSEX, but now my hair is grey and i would look like Lily Savage mate.. :)

9.) 03 Apr 2024 22:57:22
I had a perm and tash in the 70s and mullet in the 80s Ed025, now I got a head full of wonderful memories of fun filled times but extremely short on the flushing follicles front.

{Ed025's Note - sound like in the 70,s you were only a shell tracksuit short of being a proper "scouser" G62.. :) good win tonight that mate..

10.) 03 Apr 2024 23:09:29
Sussex, if there was any sort of session I’d be their.

I may not remember it but I’m sure I was their.

11.) 03 Apr 2024 23:39:35
I don`t doubt it for one minute Mal I just can`t corroborate it. For full disclosure I was full Paul Weller suede head late 70`s and 8o`s during the Terry Neill Don Howe era then full on surfer long hair in George`s era and as far as I remember a bowl cut in 70`s. Had a lotto shell suit at work late 80`s Calm down Calm down! Might be at Brighton trying to sit on my hands on Saturday COYG.

12.) 05 Apr 2024 10:05:49
How old are you geezers? I was born mid seventies. I hadn't yet found Arsenal in the Terry Neill and Don Howe era.




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28 Apr 2024 07:49:16
I think the dutch market has a lot of value in it. The level is probably better than most people realize, the big clubs aren't as able (or perhaps willing) to hold onto their best players and i think the dutch football philosophy in general suits our style very well. So my pick for midfield would be Mats Wieffer from Feyenoord. Add in Ollie Watkins and we're all set imo. I see Jesus as a utility forward who can cover both wings and striker.




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01 Mar 2024 15:36:08
I think he has great potential but he needs lots of coaching to maximise it. I'd agree he's not needed here because of Martinelli.




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04 May 2018 07:46:32
Why would we give the new manager/ head coach any transfer budget at all given the appointment of SM and RS?

As for the candidates who see the lack of champions league football next season as a problem, i think it's better to overlook those coaches anyway. I'd rather like a coach who plans for long term instead of one season success.

As for the salary, i don't know of any details but would imagine it's just natural the new guy wouldn't earn quite as much as Wenger since he wouldn't have as many responsibilities as Wenger had (like transfers for example) . I'm sure we can still offer competitive wages.

I would also like to point out one reason why i think we will be an attractive option for any coach, and that is the way the club has handled Wenger. We are known as a club with patience and the board won't make any rash decisions based on short term results. I personally would like to see the new coach get at least two seasons time to improve our performances (unless the first season is a total disaster) .




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Okay thanks Ed, I'm really struggling to see who we could sign but luckily we'll find out soon.




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I thought he has a spanish passport?





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22 Jul 2024 18:59:01
He's 16 and can't even sign a pro contract with English clubs yet. Played for our u-18's right? Sounds a bit mental if a kid at that stage really was after money already but sadly i can see it being perfectly possible.




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05 Jul 2024 08:45:42
I've been thinking the same. Calafiori has LB written all over him (also a potential Saliba backup as a technical leader in the backline? ) while Timber as a left 8 is an interesting idea.

I hope we rotate our players a bit more this season to keep everyone happy and in form. I feel like this summer will be more about adding strength in depth and different tactical options rather than signing outright improvements for the first eleven.




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23 Jun 2024 18:08:06
Rice can't play inside opponent's block in the early build-up, he tends to drop into the back line. I'd play Rice and Mainoo in midfield and Trent at rb instead of Walker.

There's a nice video on youtube by Pythagoras in boots about England's tactical struggles. It's perhaps particularly nice for us Arsenal fans as he's not very kind towards Kane. Calls him a "natural loser" for instance. I guess you can't take Tottenham out of a man.




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01 Jun 2024 16:40:07
I'm not totally against it but the midfield would need to be better balanced around him. Though if we sign someone like Sesko i'd fully expect him to be eased in over the course of a season, meaning plenty of games as a st for Havertz.




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23 May 2024 06:22:39
Ed002 says Zubimendi wants Barca. From the players he listed i guess Guimaraes would be the best but i feel like he's (Guimaraes, not Ed) a bit of a hothead so i have some reservations. Mats Wieffer from Feyenoord is apparently quite Rodri-like so maybe he would be a good fit but apparently there are no links. I wonder if Slot wants to take him to Liverpool.
