Arsenal banter 77632


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05 Nov 2023 11:49:15
Is there a week where it seems the refs and var ain't against our club seems like they have an Arsenal agenda lol.

{Ed014's Note - don’t start that Stephen! ?

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05 Nov 2023 12:40:39
Stephen their incompetence is league wide not team realated! Scrappy game no one deserved to win. Therefore I see as a lost point! But the incompetence is breath taking COYG.

05 Nov 2023 12:43:26
Its the Deep State Anti Arsenal Agenda Stephen, and absolutely anyone and everyone who denies existence of the DSAAA are so clearly and obviously part of the DSAAA????

The truth is out there fellow gooners ????.

05 Nov 2023 13:00:33
United supporter here lads. Thought that goal wouldn't stand. Looked a foul to me by Joelinton. On the ball being out they should probably change the rule to it being out if not touching the line. Easier than guessing if some of the ball overhangs the line.

05 Nov 2023 13:26:46
Sorry to pour water on your rule change Domcon - far too fecking sensible - not a chance they’ll implement COYG.

05 Nov 2023 13:51:25
Whatever happened to good old days where most of the ball had to be over the line, that was much easier to know ?????.

05 Nov 2023 13:53:38
I agree the have got it wrong for so many teams but city got a soft pen we had 2 clear ones at Chelsea nothing given then yesterday was a joke.

05 Nov 2023 13:52:02
Sorry Ed but I can't help it haha.

{Ed014's Note - ??

05 Nov 2023 15:57:03
It is the banter page after all.

05 Nov 2023 16:59:19
I don't think it's anti arsenal, if they were rigging things we woulda lost to city, no? But it does look suspiciously like match fixing in many games, and that presumably is related to gambling.

05 Nov 2023 18:22:11
Arsene Wenger once said " you have to believe the game is honest otherwise what's the point "

I'm with Arsene on this one SW, I believe those running var are inept but most certainly not corrupt.

05 Nov 2023 20:08:40
I agree g62, bizarre incompetence, but not corrupt. Especially that game, if they wanted us to lose the simplest thing was to just send Havertz off.

05 Nov 2023 22:07:17
Very good point Eden mate, few could have complained if Kai walked, but he didn't.

06 Nov 2023 00:24:53
Ive been trying to believe it for many years. Like I said, I don't believe in any anti-arsenal agendas, just an impossible level of ineptitude that looks incredibly dodgy (gambling is about far more than the mere result) .

Happy for anyone that still believes in the integrity of the competition within elite football, and indeed sports in general.

Ps: no camera angle available? Shift goal line technology to every line already, or invest in proper cameras, how hard can that be!

06 Nov 2023 21:00:40
We established years ago they aren’t cheats…. when the made a ref wear a mic…

Adams calls Ellery a cheat and questions decision…

Elleray to Adams

“OK, you’re frustrated but there is a variation of words you can use and cheat is not one of them. We may be useless but we don’t cheat. Alright? ”




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