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25 Oct 2023 09:18:41
I know some are not happy but we are 2 points of the top and un beaten in the league . We are also top of our CL group

To me that's not a bad start to the season.

Agree4 Disagree0

25 Oct 2023 10:47:09
But But the club are idiots Kai`s rubbish Jorginho`s a crazy buy and we are idiots for trusting the process. Feck it let`s sack MA and become United COYG Couldn`t agree more Mal!

25 Oct 2023 14:32:37
I'm well happy with our absolutely fantastic start to the season mate. Puzzled by and question why we've not seen Partey and Rice in the middle together, why we have seen Partey at RB and why Raya is preferred to Ramsdale but our results and positions in Pl and Cl, what's not to be pleased with and happy about?

I totally accept we won't win every game and at some point will lose a league game. That's football and all teams lose games at some point, its how often and in what manner that really matters.

25 Oct 2023 17:02:03
Can’t grumble with the start, my only issue is with playing TP at right back and all this tinkering tosh, and that goes for the keepers as well.

25 Oct 2023 20:45:11
We’ve seen some super performances and excellent 45 mins of football. We’ve dropped points thst will cost us, made some dumb ass decisions and created issues that weren’t necessary.

Be honest Mal - Jorginho in a starting 11? Partey RB? Bloody Kai? No real Granit replacement? No back up striker? Fullbacks get exposed? Trossard or ESR not getting in front of Kai? Not substituting Saka when game in bag and kid on his knees? Ramsdale dropped out of the blue? Not playing our best two CDs from game 1?

Do you want to win the league or you still on the Top 4 is a trophy?

If we want to win the league and it will be harder than last year that we threw away. Then the gap between challenging and whimpering out early doors is in that detail.

Doesn’t mean you are a bigger fan or I’m grumpy. I Want To Win and that’s it. We’ve spent a fortune and given him enough time. Raise the bar.

Why does Arteta want to prove he’s a genius rather than winning comes first. Why try to convert Kai - why not buy a better CM full stop. We don’t have Chelsea money but on what planet is he worth 65m and 300k a week? Chelsea must have been laughing = I’d take Mud-whatever his name is over also as he looked to get the ball forward fast.

People moaned about Wenger - all midfield lacking power, all the same, tap tap football. I’d say - go watch us tap tap and get to the opponents box with 11 Ben behind the ball for us to play it back to our keeper or CD… I’m not saying that’s how we play but we have way too many same same players. Where’s the

You moaned about lazy PEA or Ozil on the direct type player eg Neto to get us going forward. Why are we trying to push the best CDM into a more forward role. Why are we playing legless Jorginho but not Partey.

Yes plenty halves of games or sections of games that are good. But not consistent enough or deadly enough to win the league. If you don’t want to win - then my points are wasted on a debate because we are playing well enough for top 4 which is not exciting nor is taking part in the CL if we can’t at least get to the semis or final. What’s the point in getting frustrated if the bar I want to clear is always far better than the club wants or expects from their manager.

Not at you mate just a rant….

{Ed025's Note - i think you make some very fair points SY..

25 Oct 2023 21:33:03
So Sy if MA is as bad as you are saying we should remove now? COYG Yep or nay.

25 Oct 2023 22:46:34
Sussex - I think he has earned this season and next but I think he hasn’t earned the “trust the process” blindly that some have. Probably the same ones who were happy with Emery during the luckiest unbeaten run I’ve eber seen.

I just believe we should not be saying he’s perfect and everything is rosey. He’s not and we’ve made really poor decisions on and off the pitch as well as some great decisions. Seen some great games but also thrashed by City etc. seen us show a bit of backbone but capitulate two seasons in a row when the season heated up.

If we don’t start winning - our stars will leave and the journey was a waste of time as it went no where. Owners have thrown enough money at the club and he’s had plenty time - so I feel I should have high expectations.

I don’t understand why one can’t say (for example ) we had a bad window or we lacked ambition or we left ourselves exposed, didn’t address obvious deficiencies or tinker for tinker sake without having someone stating “we’ve improved” or “we came second (without really competing last year) ” or “it’s a lot better than we were 4 years ago (great but no medal for second or third place) . ”

I accept that and happy about the small wins but they are small battles and certainly doesn’t mean we win the war.

I like Arteta, love how much he loves our club, love his passion and that he’s at least put us back into the conversation / debate about winning the league but are we really contenders? Can we win the league playing Partey at right back or playing the two fullbacks against quality wingers or playing Jorginho / Kai in midfield?

It’s nothing personal but I haven’t read anyone really detail why Kai was a great signing instead “trust Arteta he’s always right” - really? Why? Just because I question it - doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the ride or not a fan or recognise improvement. For me, it has to be winning now not just improvement

Where are you on this?

25 Oct 2023 21:44:01
Sorry to hear about Everton ed, fingers crossed you can stay up.

{Ed025's Note - yeah its been a bad week for us eden, cheers mate..

26 Oct 2023 09:13:20
Sy4 you was a big supporter of Wenger when we was winning the 4th place trophy for all those years, even when he was buying all those shyte players.

26 Oct 2023 14:07:28
Yes I was - he had to sell players to pay for the stadium and had far less funds than Arteta plus put metal in the cupboard but that blinded me and won’t happen again.

Even in his last 3 years he put stuff in the cupboard but disaster in league and Leicester year was terrible just like last year as we should have won it

Why do you follow Arteta blindly and content with similar issues but with a ridiculous budget now.

26 Oct 2023 14:27:34
You see that is where you make the mistake

I’m an Arsenal fan not arteta just like Wenger.

26 Oct 2023 14:52:11
Correct and I’m an Arsenal fan too. First and foremost - my anger at the time was with the board rather than Wenger who I thought over achieved given our budget / finance but do you blindly follow the process / trust Arteta. You don’t seem to question his decisions too much but have a little pop at my opinions which are about our club winning.

26 Oct 2023 15:03:48
Sy you have become fanatical about arteta.
I know what it’s like I was like that over Wenger

Drove me a bit nuts in the end

It’s not healthy.

26 Oct 2023 19:30:50
I’m good Mal and glad we are back in the title conversation and giving the big teams a decent game ?.

26 Oct 2023 19:38:48
As long as you’re good mate

I think we’re doing ok, we’ve not hit top gear yet and we’re 2 points of top and played a few top teams.

26 Oct 2023 21:44:53
True mate but I can’t stop thinking what could have been. I’m not fanatical about Arteta but can’t understand his godlike status on here sometimes.

I’m fanatical about winning the league again.

27 Oct 2023 07:58:26
Good like haha

Banbury going on Jesus and you the above

Feck me I better not answer the door, the Jehovah’s mite comes knocking.

27 Oct 2023 11:29:54
Hi Mark like you I became absolutely obsessed by my frustration with Wenger and I 100% agree it wasn't at all healthy for me, if I could turn back the clock I would never allow myself to have been so consumed by something that I couldn't change or control.

My anger with Arsene didn't affect Arsenes happiness one little bit because he had absolutely no idea how i felt or that i even existed ? but it certainly had a huge impact on my own unhappiness that's for sure.

All those hours and emotions wasted, what a pair of plonkers we were?????????.



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