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29 Nov 2023 18:09:32
If we lose Rambo, woukd de Gea be a good 2nd keeper? He's still a free agent I think.

{Ed014's Note - have you seen De Gea with the ball at his feet Sally, utterly hopeless.

It’s a mahoosive no from me!

Agree0 Disagree0

29 Nov 2023 18:55:13
Sorry Sally I can only agree with Ed 14 on this one.

29 Nov 2023 19:14:07
But would we get a better 2nd keeper and on a free?

{Ed014's Note - I think United may want De Gea back watching that clown Onana tonight! Terrible keeper.

He just doesn’t suit our style of play at all though Sally, just be a huge step backwards if we had to rely on him in anything more than dead rubbers in cup games.

29 Nov 2023 19:31:22
I'd take him as a number two keeper no problem Sally, in my opinion the number two keeper role is ideal for a proven keeper past his prime or an up and coming keeper looking to learn his trade, its impossible to keep two number one keepers both in their prime happy unless one is totally money motivated and prepared to sacrifice professional ambition for a few dollars more than they can get as a number one keeper elsewhere.

29 Nov 2023 19:48:07
Onana is a calamity- mistake waiting to happen as is De Gea who was on £375000 a week. Let’s not mess about tonight win the game and the group and avoid a nervy away trip in Eindhoven! 3-0 us tonight COYG.

29 Nov 2023 19:54:37
Personally Sally I’d keep Rambo n send back Raya at the end of season n promote from within…if within isn’t good enough then find a young’n that is.
Rambo was part of a team that nearly defied all odds of winning the league. in my opinion we fell short because of the injury to Big Wills not in anyway shape or form was it anything to do with Rambo. He played a blinder that season n still has that in him (and improve ofcourse) but Mikels decision to drop him like a piece of chewing gum has destroyed him (as it would anyone) Mikels done great things but this decision really irks me.

#LetsgoRambo ❤️?.

{Ed014's Note - I’m not a fan of that decision either mate

29 Nov 2023 20:02:18
I don’t see in anyway how Raya is better than ramsdale His kicking is no better that’s for sure he puts half of them out of play… his positioning is definitely worse both Chelsea and Newcastle games he’s cost us.

29 Nov 2023 23:22:02
Personally Ramsdale number one and Gea number two would be fine by me unless a top 5 keeper in the world became available to replace Ramsdale as number one. I've no problem with signing an obviously better keeper than Ramsdale but they've got to be obviously and clearly better rather than arguably better ad Raya is at best.



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