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12 Nov 2023 16:17:58
Afternoon all Ed's and fellow gunners. Hope all's well. nice win yesterday to keep us up there. Thought the first half was a bit drab. Second half much better. Always looked in control. I feel like we are a lot more solid this season but don't seem as swashbuckling going forward as last season. (suppose the injury list might have something to do with that).

International break upon us, so hopefully some players will be back in the fold after that. Fingers crossed the lads that go away, don't pick up any knocks. A couple of things I'd like to mention. Firstly, I was reading that partey really wants out in January. I would personally be gutted if he does. and secondly was listening to Lee judges assessment of our victory over Burnley and he mentioned he had heard that odegaard has had a falling out with arteta. he did also say he didn't know how true the rumour is.

Again, I hope there is nothing in it all. odegaard seems like a decent professional and a real team player. But who knows what really goes on behind closed doors? I'm a huge fan of odegaard and think he brings out the best in our team. Would love to know if any fellow gunners have any thoughts/ info on partey or odegaard. ✌?&???⚪️ONE TEAM THE ARSENAL/ ONE ❤️.

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12 Nov 2023 18:51:29
Hello Gabi mate, I personally have not heard any rumours about Ode. What I did pick up from bits here and there that he was devastated to that Norway looks like they won't qualify for Euro 24 and I think it might have knocked him mentally because he does seem to be struggling with form and this injury he has got.
As for Party I like you Gabi would be devastated if he left. When fit and on form he is a beast of a player. The fact that he does struggle with injuries and the pace Being slower in Serie A might have something to do with him being attracted to playing to here and Juventus might have had some encouragement from him or agent or both.
Hope all is well with everyone Gabi mate take care.

12 Nov 2023 20:39:21
Evening, hopefully Ode sorts himself out and returns to squad as well as his top form as he seems to be performing below thst of late. Perhaps playing with an injury, in balance in the squad with Kai or rotations around him…Either way I really want a top performing Ode back.

In his absence - why isn’t Rice captain rather than Jorginho? .

On Partey, the only piece I heard was he was annoyed at playing right back. Who can blame him.

Great 3 points but squad looking threadbare at present….

12 Nov 2023 21:45:57
Hi bill. thanks for reply buddy. would love to see partey, rice and odegaard as our 3 man midfield. Personally think they would be awesome patrolling the middle for us. if partey does go. (hope not) . I wouldn’t mind us going for Douglas Luiz (the lad at villa) . only 25 yrs old, fits our age/ recruitment profile. I know there’s been talk we are interested in him. (how true the rumours are) …. who knows….? … and regarding odegaard I hope your right that it’s just the Norway and hip issue and he gets over it and recaptures fitness and form, as soon as possible. ( your theory sounds more plausible buddy) . love his creativity and willingness to press. He’s our captain who leads by example/ a real quality operator. anyway bill Chelsea and city have just played out a barnstormer of a draw 4-4 (great game) . & I know it’s early days but there’s only one point in it at the top. & city are not just running away with it. as always good to chat with you bill. COYG/ VTH. ?⚪️.

13 Nov 2023 09:44:01
Firstly as Banbury said a good solid performance against a team we should beat.
Have no idea what went on but Ode has under performed - from a very high bar - probably due to his hip injury. The sooner he is back the better. As for Partey wobbling his bottom lip throwing his toys out the pram because he is asked to play right back (yes I can blame him) and for £200000 a week ah diddums! GROW UP man keep yourself fit or feck off! Love him as a player though but no good on the treatment table where we are still paying him I guess. Xhaka and Saka played full back and not even inverted and if they can Partey can COYG.

13 Nov 2023 10:03:04
Apologies for waffling on but can I address the injuries situation. Arguably we have had Ode, Partey, Jesus, Eddie and Timber which is four first team outfield starters plus our back up striker. Don`t hear anyone moaning and bitching about bad luck but down the road have the same number ( but others suspended which is self inflicted ) and they have an injury crisis and not all those injured are starters. Once our guys are back strong team and strong bench adding ESR too. Chelsea may have a point with injuries but they have spent a trillion so don`t have any sympathy. International break to get people back fit and ready to go COYG.

13 Nov 2023 11:03:23
You wasn't waffling Sussex mate, made a very valid point concerning Partey.
Our injuries are a worry but we are right in the mix and barring a meltdown are in the knockout of CL and have not come close to where we was playing last season.

13 Nov 2023 14:28:58
I just think Bill we are doing really well at least points wise with significant injuries to important players and we haven`t hit great form apart from a few games perhaps. Just don`t get this obsession with Partey at right back - we were undefeated with him at right back and only dropped points against Fulham - early doors and Partey wasn`t on the pitch when they fecking scored! Hardly his fault COYG
Oh for the day with a fully fit Partey Rice and Ode.

13 Nov 2023 15:30:58
I agree Sussex and Bill, why are some people on a downer

I haven’t felt as comfortable with group for must be over 20 years

Let’s get behind everyone who has to do with the club.

13 Nov 2023 15:40:01
Hi Sussex. hope alls well. yes mate. partey, rice and odegaard fully fit and out on the carpet together on a regular basis would be magical. let us all pray for those days. ?? COYG/ VTH. ?⚪️❤️.



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