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20 Nov 2024 12:05:53
Good morning to all our EDs. I'm not sure if you are back on here after this sad week and I send my love to you all.

If anyone is here I have a couple of questions please.
I'm a bit niaive about your individual areas of expertise so I'm not quite sure who to direct my questions to. So I know ED025 is an Evertonian and that Ed001 likes sharks but that's the limit of my understanding. So I would be grateful for clarification so I can direct my questions to the right Ed.

Also could anyone please let me know if they have any knowledge on the upcoming APT vote? I've just read a report that City, Everton, Newcastle and Chelsea will vote against and possibly also Villa and Forest which it seems would tips the balance in favour of City. The suggestion in the report is that the rest of the league (which includes Arsenal) might withdraw from the PL and set up their own league. So my question is, is this a realistic possibility EDs?

Thanks everyone.

{Ed001's Note - it has always been a possibility, Ed002 always believed that it would happen sooner rather than later. He would have been right, but the fans' revolt stopped the first try at a European Super League. It has not gone away though. It is probably just a matter of time before it eventually ends up being reality.}

Agree0 Disagree1

20 Nov 2024 13:51:36
Thanks ed001, appreciate your reply.

{Ed001's Note - you are very welcome Sally. I don't think it will ever go away while club owners see $$ signs around it.}

20 Nov 2024 14:57:51
Presumably these super league clubs could end up with unlimited funds to spend if they are owned by the mega-rich and current sustainability rules don't apply?
In a way that would separate the have and the have-nots and the clubs who don't get invited, or who choose not to join, could carry on with a little bit more integrity under a sustainable FFP. I suppose its possible that if this new league attracts enough clubs they could potentially break away totally and just play among themselves. They won't be short of fans I'm sure, both at the stadiums and via TV.

{Ed001's Note - pretty much as I see it too Sally. Not sure it is good for football though. I would hate it.}

20 Nov 2024 15:42:28
Me too ed001, for me football isn't about watching superstars cancelling each other out, it's about clubs like Luton taking on the big boys and giving them a run for their money.

By the way I've tried to love sharks (hubby is fascinated by them) but its just not happening for me ;)

{Ed001's Note - I totally agree on the Luton thing, that is what makes the sport great, that unknown factor in every game.

You should check out the footage of sharks wagging their tail when their heads are scratched. They are incredible creatures and not mindless killers like people often believe. I have the godkids obsessed with them too - one of them has a big shark teddy I got her that has to go with her everywhere.}

20 Nov 2024 16:08:10
All animals are sentient beings Ed001, and all are fascinating.
I'm obsessed by bees (as well as Arsenal! ) since I talked to a beekeeper and learnt about them. ? ? ?.

{Ed001's Note - that's true, animals are much more interesting than people. I could happily spend every day in the zoo or an aquarium.}

21 Nov 2024 06:13:32
Little known fact about me - I LOVE dogs and horses. And sentient is absolutely right. People forget about that part, unfortunately.

Ed001, you mentioned being in the middle of a move in a previous message. Where you moving to?

{Ed001's Note - even trees and plants have feelings, we now know that they feel pain and cry for help.

Back to Dubai. I went back for a few days to find a place, found the perfect place and took it on the spot, but it has meant coping with just the clothes I had packed for 4 days! It is right by a football stadium and overlooks the training pitches, I saw that out the window as I walked in and said, "I'll take it!" It is not in one of the more desirable areas of Dubai, as it is out near Sharjah, but that meant I was able to get a better apartment for less money than I was expecting. Hellish trying to get everything organised though and now got to get my stuff shipped over.

How are things with you mate? Where are you at these days?}

21 Nov 2024 09:19:50
Ah, good ol' Dubai. Love that place and quite a few good memories of it when I worked there.

I'm in Scotland mate, and have had to holiday local for the past 5 years, and possibly for the next 5 or 6. My dog (5 years old) is a bit of an ahole with other dogs (very reactive) . Been done the road of behaviourists, etc. and he's slightly better, but can't risk having him in kennels. So, yeah, we do rural cottages up north these days so he can come with me too. I couldn't believe how much more expensive it is to "holiday" here than it is to fly out some place hot. Ridiculous.

I do envy you in Dubai though. When I first moved to Scotland, I loved the cold and the crispness. These days, not so much ?

Hope you settle back in well mate, and good to know you're ok.

{Ed001's Note - I don't miss British weather. Only thing I really miss is Anfield and the family.

How did you end up in Scotland? What on earth have you done so wrong to end up there???}

21 Nov 2024 12:00:26
Mate, would you believe I was minding my own business, met a girl (she was on holiday visiting a friend in Bahrain) , and that was it. Great when I was younger, but the cold weather doesn't fascinate me like it use to.

So to answer your question about what I did wrong - so so so many things ?.

{Ed001's Note - it all ended with 'met a girl'. That is life and soul destroying.}



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