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05 Nov 2023 07:53:00
My son in law said ball out of play, offside, handball and foul, none of it would have mattered if Raya had dealt with the cross and not flapped at it.
Good point or not.
Seen replay again think Kai and Bruno can count thereselves lucky.

Agree0 Disagree0

05 Nov 2023 08:32:36
Kai was very very lucky for me that was a red card - Bruno the same.

05 Nov 2023 08:53:17
The ball looks out of play to me, but there is no proof either way despite the technology available. Two hands pushing an opponent is surely a fowl.

Raya? What more can be said, like Kai he's Arteta player and decision to bring in and is going to have to fail 10 times more often than existing players before Mikel will accept he might have been wrong in his thinking.

But it is what it is and luckily for us MA is an extremely lucky manager and event do seem to save Mikel and us from Mikels delusions of genius.

05 Nov 2023 10:01:03
Spot on Bill. You play to the whistle and Raya was completely out of position.
I'm an Arteta supporter and he's obviously completely changed and rejuvenated the club but I think unless he stops believing his own genius he will cost us games with his tinkering.
You could've just taken our starting 11 from last season and just dropped in Rice, and we would be better than now. I don't understand the need to play around with th gk position, and why we brought in Havertz- surely the CF, and wide positions were more important to recruit in.

05 Nov 2023 10:48:13
Hopefully Glenn that's the positions where we will be looking at strengthening in January.
I do feel though that we should be playing with more tempo and we take far to many passes to get the ball into threatening positions.

05 Nov 2023 11:15:20
I just read an interesting article about how now Arteta has had time for his emotions to settle he must start looking inward and questioning his own decisions rather than forcing on the mistakes of others.

The article asks why Arteta has tried to fix what wasn't broken at Arsenal rather than concentrating on where we were lacking last season, it's a very fair point in my opinion.

05 Nov 2023 14:02:26
Yes just read that on bbc G62- the article is 100% correct especially around Havertz being a vanity purchase.
I think unless Arteta deals with his pig headedness we will continue to drop points.

05 Nov 2023 14:56:46
I think Mikel needs a really good friend to have an honest chat with him Glen, because most people can see this weaknesses in his character but sometimes the hardest person for us all to see is ourselves. Last seasons buzz word at Arsenal was we are a humble, I think Mikel needs to practice what he preaches and find the humility to accept that maybex vjust maybe nearly everyone else isn't wrong and just he alone is right.



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