Arsenal banter 66010


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27 Jun 2017 08:00:37
Sorry about this.
One thing that drives me mad is when people ask a question to the Eds the Eds reply to it then the person asking the question over complicates the answer that's given.
Please just ask the question be satisfied with the answer and try to not pick the answer to pieces. It's annoying.

Agree1 Disagree0

27 Jun 2017 08:51:12
Well said.

27 Jun 2017 09:25:06
The asking how long is a piece of string type questions must be infuriating. I honestly believe that some fans just want lying to! Who are we going to buy ed? Well this year it's going to be messi, Ronaldo and aubamayang. I think also to be fair we don't actually know the age of some posters there could be some really young kids on here.

27 Jun 2017 09:34:30
As long as the responses made to Ed's are not offensive, it is simple banter and we are allowed to discuss the Ed's comments, particularly as on the odd occasion the Ed's can be quite sarcastic when responding.

27 Jun 2017 09:58:55
Sanogo:- I'll start this off. I'm 59.

27 Jun 2017 10:07:42
I agree Sanogo mate we have to allow for the fact that some posters may be young fans.
Surely the answer for everyone is to post all questions to the page without directing it at the Eds directly allowing the Eds to interject if they wish and simply leaving it to other posters to answer if they don't wish to comment or answer any particular posts.
If people want to ask the whole page what Sanchez was thinking this morning when he woke up or does Benzemas move to Arsenal depend totally on whether the hose next door to Giroud becomes available I'm sure lots of posters would be Very happy to answer them if the Eds don't fancy it :-)

27 Jun 2017 10:13:29
RG61:- I don't think it's so much sarcastic. I think if you look over things over a period of time it's more like frustrated answering the same questions over and over again.
OK you can say that some people may not know that the question they have asked has been dealt with a couple of times a few weeks ago. But it's the repetitive crap like WILL WE BUY this player that player etc etc. How in the world are the Eds supposed to know that? All they can honestly say is there's been some interest or whatever and when they do give an answer it's oh! how much, when? and so on. I think people have got to remember that the Eds are trying to tell us what they honestly believe. I sort of agre with Sanogo I think some people just want to hear what they want. is Ronaldo is coming along with Mbappe Lacazette, Messi and Bufon in goal. Some people have got to ease up a bit. Sorry about the rant Eds.

27 Jun 2017 10:18:07
I think it comes down to the eds having a responsibility to vet all posts and can't simply just let it be a free for all. And the times when they have bitten out is probably to make the posters aware that certain types of questions and also ones deemed repetitive are cut back. To be perfectly honest I think the lack of information coming from ed02 is particularly benificial for the arsenal page for a few reasons the first is there seems to been a blind obsession from some on this page and they become inconsolable when they don't get to hear what they want and secondly the fact they get a straight answer on occasions and then choose not to believe it and get all bent out of shape.

27 Jun 2017 11:01:30
does anyone know what is going on with arsenals transfer apart from the men at the top. no.

27 Jun 2017 11:46:47
Very good point Derby mate, it's all rumours some just have a lot more credibility than others.
Someone I was talking to a few years back kept repeating to me what an ex player was telling him was happening on the Arsenal transfer targets front and I kept thinking ' why does Arsene confide in this ex player who had long since retired from the game before Arsene joined Arsenal "
Obviously if we have made an approach for a player then the circle of trust widens and more information gets leaked but who Arsene actually has his eye on and who he might want people to think he has his eye on are quite different things.
Most of the players we actually sign get done in week of becoming public knowledge while the ones we are linked with for months very seldom if ever happen.
There is a clue there in my opinion.

27 Jun 2017 15:09:29
& I'm 67 and as my goonership showed at the young age of 7 I'm a 60yr gooner :)



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