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24 Jun 2016 10:05:59
Ed002, sorry for being a pain in the arse

Is it too early for you to tell us what impact the Brexit will have on football in Europe.

{Ed002's Note - You firstly need to understand that the home nations are not leaving UEFA and the exit of Britain from the EU will take a couple of years. It is not actually clear what will happen in terms of players. There will certainly not be any overnight change but the eventual position would likely be a need for work permits and residence permits. In terms of existing EU citizens already working in the UK, there is no plan but I would think an amnesty would be the likely decision followed by a quota system of some type. In August there is an "elite" club meeting scheduled and although it is not on the agenda (the agenda being dominated by one issue right now) I suspect there will be some interesting side discussions about it, in the same way that I expect there will be some interesting side discussions about the problems with hooligans that we have seen again recently. There is a UEFA meeting scheduled for September (in Athens) and this BREXIT issue may be added to the agenda - or at least held over for next time around - December I think.}

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24 Jun 2016 10:24:13
May I ask what the dominating issue is in August please ed? Just intrigued to know what's being talked about by elite clubs.

{Ed002's Note - A UEFA proposal for changes to European club competitions that they have come up with to try and fend off a breakaway league. The plan is to unleash it on an unsuspecting world in December.}

24 Jun 2016 11:12:23
Ed002 do you see it affecting this transfer window and player now not wanting to come play in England?

{Ed002's Note - Of course not.}

24 Jun 2016 12:52:06
Great info Ed.
Thank you.

24 Jun 2016 13:17:40
Interesting. Thank you ed!

24 Jun 2016 16:31:51
Nice one ed002. So basically, nothing is going to change anytime soon but things could potentially get a bit more complex with the purchase of players.

I'm glad that the home nations won't be leaving UEFA too!

25 Jun 2016 00:44:49
I think this will affect the tv revenues of the premier league in european countries which will turn affect the overall revenues of the english premier league. brexit is a terrible decision for the premier league but what about the poorly paid workers? would it make a difference to them if highly paid bankers lost their jobs? The economists are spelling out doom and gloom for Britain but it will be interesting to see what happens next. One thing that really surprised me was the sheer number of uninformed voters. I always thought brits were way smarter than the rest of us! Am shocked by how the politics of the western world are shifting to the intolerant far right.



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