04 Aug 2017 14:00:39
Hello Eds,
Are we looking at any other players before the transfer window shuts. Will the Neymar transfer have a domino effect for transfers.

Any response is greatly appreciated.

{Ed002's Note - As I have said over and over, yes. The transfer of Neymar will not have any impact on Arsenal.}

1.) 04 Aug 2017
04 Aug 2017 15:15:02
Thanks Ed002.

2.) 04 Aug 2017
04 Aug 2017 18:40:26
This is what bugs me on this site. Why do people feel the need to ask the eds whatever pops into their head. It's a simple process which I use:
1.think of a question I want to ask
2.search the players name in the great big search bar
3.either give myself a pat on the back for going through that hard process and finding my answer or if no luck I ask then eds

You're welcome anyone that was struggling with this 😊😂.

3.) 04 Aug 2017
04 Aug 2017 18:56:07
If it was a £1 a question or each poster was limited to 1 question per month I think the search engine would be in overdrive :-)