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23 Jan 2025 14:03:02
Ed001 I hope you don't mind my asking as I understand you're in Dubai. Would you consider it a good place to relocate if you are a structural engineer. Either company employed or own business? Just a bit concerned on how women might be treated and/ or if the heat would be a problem for a European used to 35 degrees in summer.
Obviously I understand if you would prefer not to comment as it's obviously not Arsenal related or not appropriate.

{Ed001's Note - women are treated far better here Sally. It has the highest percentage of female ceos in the world for starters. You can walk the streets at any time of night in full safety. The heat is an issue at first but you soon get used to it. I mean I am shivering now in 18c. My ma loves it out here. Working for the wrong company can be a problem, but that is the same anywhere you go in the world. But work for a local company as a Brit and you will be highly valued usually. It is a great place to live and you can live more cheaply here than the UK though most people fall into the tourist trap and pay through the nose for everything.}

Agree0 Disagree0

23 Jan 2025 14:58:53
Brilliant, thank you ed001. Appreciate your replying :)

{Ed001's Note - any time Sally, if you do decide to move here, I am only down the road from where ever you are if you and your family need any help or just someone to show you around.}

23 Jan 2025 16:18:12
Ed001 must like you Sally. When I told him I'd be visiting, he packed up all his stuff and relocated to the Philippines.

{Ed001's Note - is right I did. I didn't even pack, I just fled the country...}

23 Jan 2025 20:28:32
? ? ? ? ? ?.

23 Jan 2025 20:30:03
And thank you for the offer Ed001. I wilt at 25 degrees though lol.

{Ed001's Note - I used to as well. It is not the place to be if you don't like hot weather.}

24 Jan 2025 01:06:09
I felt the same after moving to Singapore. Used to feel sick any time it went above 28, and now I feel cold at 22!

24 Jan 2025 05:04:20
Singapore rarely goes to 22 but I get what you mean. Anytime the weather goes below 28, you'd start seeing people in jackets walking around ?.



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