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17 Jan 2025 09:20:18
Question for ed001:
I thought theyd put a stop to the extra long contracts, so how have city signed haaland for 9.5 years?

{Ed001's Note - they haven't put a stop to that. They put a stop to amortising the transfer fee over a contract of over 5 years. You can still have longer contracts.}

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17 Jan 2025 17:59:37
Ah gotcha, thanks. I'm surprised they didn't limit it, 9.5 years seems silly.

18 Jan 2025 09:57:20
I guess even FFP can’t stop really rich clubs doing crazy things like this. Do doubt if they sell him early or he leaves with agreement the club pays out and he effectively ends up on over 750k per week… 10 year contract is perfectly ok but an abuse of wealth and must catch up with the cheats soon. Hope so as can’t stand the classless cheats with no pedigree or history.

18 Jan 2025 11:28:42
With both Guardiola and Haarland signing new contracts, it this tied up with the pending charges I wonder? I'm pretty sure if found guilty there will be lengthy appeals so whilst this is going on both men will be drawing huge new salaries.



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