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15 Jan 2025 21:58:49
NORTH LONDON will always be red. & the ARSENAL 100% definitely need a striker this January window. ARSENAL TILL I DIE. ?⚪️❤️.

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15 Jan 2025 22:22:16
Really pleased for the players and manager Gabi, the heat has been turned down half a notch, for now!

Very good night for the faithful, bad night for the traitors, but! The traitors will be hungry to murder or recruit again at the earliest opportunity ???


15 Jan 2025 23:33:10
Hi bill hope alls well, thought we played a decent game tonight and it’s always nice to keep that lot up the road in the massive shadow. but watching the match thinking. we still definitely need some attacking reinforcements and we would have been out of sight. I still think there’s so much more to come from Mikel and the boys. we just got to get our mojo back and go on a run and try to crank up the pressure on Liverpool as much as we can. hopefully tonight’s result can kick start the rest of our season. in Mikel and the boys i still trust. where we are now compared to the real mess we were in before Mikel took over is something else. we have gone so close to winning the prem the last two seasons and are still right in this race. let’s just hope that someone gets hold of stan and josh gives there heads a good wobble so as too open thier eyes and do what’s required on the transfer front this window… fingers crossed mate. ? ARSENAL TILL I DIE/ VTH. ?⚪️❤️.



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