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07 Jan 2025 19:19:15
Winning trophies is progress, no matter what one it is! Do you think players will be happy coming second for the next ten years and no trophies or do you think they would like trophies over the next ten years and finish in the top 4, I know what I’d like, nobody remembers who finished 2nd you only remember winners, obviously i'd like the title b4 all of these.

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07 Jan 2025 19:40:48
Sorry this was meant as the reply to gunner 62 my fault lol.

07 Jan 2025 20:34:21
We must win trophies - that’s what sport is all about.

It’s winning not taking part - that’s what’s wrong with schools and society today.

We must compete in the league and expect to win it at the start of each season.

We are a big club - what’s the point if we don’t compete

If there’s a choice 2nd or 3rd plus a trophy - then 3rd ad both are losers.

What player wants to win no trophies while playing for a big club? Point them out and I will show you a liar. I don’t want anyone in the side that is happy not winning a cup. I want them to feel ill when we don’t win. I hate not winning full stop.

They are in a highly paid and stressful, demanding job. They are playing for a great club - so I’m high e eith them having exceedingly high pressure and demands. They are idolised and treated like kings - have high expectations and demands.

Obsess about winning because we won’t if we don’t.

07 Jan 2025 22:06:11
"It's the winning not the taking par, that's what's wrong with schools and society "

Makes you wonder why Doncaster, Port vale and Darlington even bother or are even allowed to exist in the first place and of course why children who are dyslexic or struggle in any way shape or form are even allowed to attend school and waste taxpayers money, bring back coal fires so there are more chimneys to send those children who fail to achieve excellence up.

One way of looking at life I suppose Sy.

08 Jan 2025 07:16:18
Pmsl is this guy for real you take part in football to win! Doesn’t matter what silly phrases you come up with! The fact is players play football to win trophies, think I’ll follow mal and have a break aswell.



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