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07 Nov 2024 10:25:33
Not sure what Mikel is getting at over the penalty decision. If that was a Inter player instead of Merino i would want a penalty all day long.
Great to see Ode back.
Hope Mikel is brave enough to start Nanweri on Sunday.

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07 Nov 2024 13:08:56
Highbury, I'm hoping you're in the minority because no way was that a pen for me. Ball hits attacker's foot, then hits Merino's foot, then hits his hand. And he's standing on one leg so his arm is where it's expected to be.

Having said that, that was the only time I remember him having the ball at his feet. Brought nothing, gave us nothing, on the night. Well, except for that dodgy pen.

07 Nov 2024 14:45:31
I am a bit old fashioned tbh Sharpie mate, ball is going towards goal and its been stopped with a hand so its a penalty.
Quite agree with you on your previous post concerning our tactics and the slow tempo of our play, its like watching late wenger tactics of pass the ball to deatb.

07 Nov 2024 17:46:14
Was it not this time last year that we went on a break and came back rejuvenated for me all season we have looked off the pace but I can understand and appreciate hopefully no more injuries and a little rest is all we need to fire us back into it.

08 Nov 2024 06:50:46
There is nothing old fashioned about rules. rules are rules. It's never a pen as the new rules state.
Another one when their keeper went UFC on Merino how on earth the ref gave us a corner when it's obviously either a pen or a goal kick.
I can't blame our boys on losing the game, I think they did well and inter defended extremely well.

08 Nov 2024 08:04:46
Your entitled to your opinion Moe mate but if that had been a Inter player i would be screaming from the rooftops for a penalty.

08 Nov 2024 16:36:55
I completely understand your pointe mate, I'm talking about the rules of the game that's all.

08 Nov 2024 17:23:58
Understood Moe mate
The rules are getting so so complicated nowadays especially var and handball decisions.
I read the next day after the Inter game that Uefa interpret the handball guidelines different to the prem.
That's all you need .
Take care Moe mate.

11 Nov 2024 17:09:48
As Liverpool fan not here to gloat but you are having what we had after coming close to city to win the prem . I think your players are drained like ours were. they suffred mental exaustion as i think your lads are and it cost us big time so give your lads some space .



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