27 Oct 2024 18:34:32
Excellent result achieved against one of our two main rivals with a seriously depleted team including both our CB pairing who everyone declared the bedrock of our team last season in the last 3rd of the game.
Two seasons back we crumbled after losing just Saliba for the run in. We're come a very long way since then, up the Arsenal ????.
27 Oct 2024 18:37:06
Well said mate.
27 Oct 2024 18:44:06
Get everybody fit and buy a center forward and we in with a chance.
27 Oct 2024 19:13:50
In my opinion, get everyone fit and keep 11 players on the pitch for the entire game and we'll be absolutely fine with or without additional players in January. We are an excellent outfit and our squad players are now justifying their right to pick up any medals we might win this season.
27 Oct 2024 19:21:01
True but we are 5 points behind and should have won today. A draw wasn’t a great result in the overall scheme of trying to win the league. It wasn’t a disaster given our injuries etc but we’ve dropped stupid points.
We should have pushed on while on top but we didn’t and then paid the price.
We can’t just have Trossard, Martinelli, Jesus and Kai as options for goals outside of Saka and corners. We need far better options.
Next few games are must wins or the challenge will be further and further away.
We know we needed cover for Ode, good CB cover, better fullback back up but most important better attacking and goal s or if flair - this is part and parcel of competing at the highest level and multiple fronts. Not getting CB back up and striker is a poor call.
We need to go on a killer run to get us back into the frame.
Sorry for being negative but we are here to win.
27 Oct 2024 19:49:36
We can look for negatives or appreciate the positives, personally for me the two biggest negatives this season are Rice v Brighton and Trossard v City, if they stay on the pitch we have 4 points more than we currently have and City have 1 less and the league looks very different. Saliba sending off was very different because Trossard sold him down the river, but Trossard has scored some very important goals too. Things could be better but equally they could be far far worse and we are just 6 miles into a marathon with 20 miles still to run. We are doing OK.
27 Oct 2024 20:54:44
We are coming for you lot. let's face it, City will win the league and the scousers will take 2nd place. I'm looking forward to our game in 2 weeks. Banter site so hope ok to post. Chelsea fan just enjoying our (gradual) return to the top table.
27 Oct 2024 22:01:46
If you were born post 2014 and are under 10 years old you have evey reason to be optimistic about living long enough to see Chelsea win the league again West side, have a chat with some Spurs fans as they will advise you on how to handle going 100 years between title's. ?.
28 Oct 2024 06:20:07
Kinda hard to be born post 2014 and not be under 10. Just saying.
28 Oct 2024 08:31:44
Ian was disappointed also - same attitude that cost us the league two seasons ago…
Arsenal will probably be a little bit disappointed. Going into the game, with the players that are missing, I thought they started it very well, but when they got into a situation where they were 2-1 up, they played like they were down to 10 men, ” Wright said.
“They invited Liverpool on a bit. If you give them the capability and the time then they’ll probably punish you and that’s what they did. ”
We need to be braver and grab the game by its balls or risk always coming 2nd, 3rd or 4th.
If we are to win the league then we need to think big, act big and be brave. Our mentality needs a slight shift if we ever want to win.
28 Oct 2024 09:14:25
Hope Ian will be OK and recover from his disappointment in the very near future and go on to live a relatively happy life despite yesterday's draw causing him so much distress. I hope in time Ian will be able to reflect on the absolutele thrashings we suffered against Liverpool City and Chelsea in our fairly recent past even with all our best players of that time being available and come to the conclusion that yesterday wasn't actually so bad after and things at Arsenal are actually pretty good after all. Good luck Ian ?.
28 Oct 2024 19:57:26
62 - I get that you are sunny side up but who cares about previous games against city or Liverpool or whoever from years ago. That wins nothing. It doesn’t really matter that we had players missing, there’s no top up points for most improved. We’ve waited long enough and spent enough to demand / want / expect success not because I’m a spoilt kid or entitled but ever business expects a return or why bother…. If we are to be winners then expectations need to be raised.
Glad you are happy and hope you are doing well.
I’m happy with life but not happy being 5 points behind City so early on in season and not getting our squad where it needed to be to compete.
28 Oct 2024 21:52:41
Hi Sy, haven't City Liverpool United Chelsea spent enough for their fans to demand to be champions? Only one team can be champions each season and some very expextant fans at each of the big 5 demand it's their team that are those champions, something somewhere has to give because the phrase everyones a winner is a lie if you only class finishing first as winning
Alls good in my hood thanks mate, I've no complaints whatsoever and I'm really pleased apart from football life is good for you too mate ?.